What is THE most Canadian food staple you can think of?

We hope you said POUTINE, because how much more Canadian can you get with that, eh?

This week, as Brendan Tries… to make poutine.

No matter how you say “poutine” (pou-tin, or pou-teen) t is cheese curds, gravy and some nice cut fries all thrown together. Brendan is going to try to make it at home! How will it go? We will see.

The world is your poutine, and Brendan just wants to help you make the best you can! Which involves squeaky cheese. Can’t forget the squeaky cheese. Brendan will make sure you know that… Watch below! #SqueakyCheese

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*Disclaimer: Brendan Seeley is not a licensed professional, please use his advice carefully and cautiously at your own risk*

Filed under: 1-for-country, brendan seeley, brendan-tries